
Showing posts from July, 2020

Types of Meditation

Top 6 ways to do meditation  MEDITATIONAL TIPS:   Meditation  generally refers to the stable condition of mind.There are different types of meditation in practice. Meditation is generally performed by people in order to maintain mental peace and psychological development. The modern world is full anxiety and stress, in order to get relief from such pain and stress people usually perform it. Top 10 ways to improve meditation for beginners are as follows:- 1. Mindfulness meditation:-Start to meditate early in the morning. According to the Ayurveda morning time is the best time to meditate as it is also called the creator’s hours. The creator’s hours is known as Brahma muhurta.  Brahma muhurta generally refers to the period of 1 hour 36 minutes after sunrise. At this time nature is at its purest form. So that I suggest you perform your meditation or yoga at this time.  In the modern age, there may be lots of disturbance so that we should have meditation in the...

Meditation tips for beginners

MEDITATIONAL TIPS:   Meditation  generally refers to the stable condition of mind.There are different types of meditation in practice. Meditation is generally performed by people in order to maintain mental peace and psychological development. The modern world is full anxiety and stress, in order to get relief from such pain and stress people usually perform it. Top 10 ways to improve meditation for beginners are as follows:- 1. Start to meditate early in the morning:- According to the Ayurveda morning time is the best time to meditate as it is also called the creator’s hours. The creator’s hours is known as Brahma muhurta.  Brahma muhurta generally refers to the period of 1 hour 36 minutes after sunrise. At this time nature is at its purest form. So that I suggest you perform your meditation or yoga at this time.  In the modern age, there may be lots of disturbance so that we should have meditation in the morning because the mind is inherently still at that t...

Power of Meditation

Meditation allow us to make a powerful connection betweeen our mind and us. Meditation let us to be awake and more aware to our actions. It realizes us that who we are and why we are here and our relation with the present world. Today we are going to discuss about the power of meditation:-  According to the research mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of mind. It helps to increases to size of cortical thickness in the hippocampus which  giverns learining and other power. How could i feel power of meditation ? If you could do meditation daily then you could feel the power of meditation gradually. In you are beginner you could start up from 5 minutes to 10 minutes but if you are pro then you could extend time to one hour. How many forms are there in meditation? Basically meditation are of  6 forms. They are:- 1. Mindfulness meditation - Mindfulness meditation helps a person to perform their work by enforcing full concentration in it. 2. Spiritual medita...

How to start up meditation ?Qna

Meditation plays an vital role in our mental as well as physical health. Meditation is a inner power which  helps to know who we are  and what is our main role in this world. Not only this meditation helps us to reduce stress level,  anxiety, blood pressure. I would like to suggest  perfect time and way to start up meditation for you. I would like to recommed you to start up meditation from tommorrow.  You may ask question  1.Why should i start up from tomorrow? Then listen carefully the best way to start up is without making a plan and also if you start up early then you would reach to your achievement  level.  2.Why should i choose a better place ?  As everybody know that  meditation is performed in peaceful place. In order to keep our mind away  from the possible distraction. You could choose a peaceful place to have more concentration on your deeds. 3.Is it necessary to stay cross legged ? Absolutely not it is not mandatory to s...

Top Meditation Benefit (scientifically proved )

Scientifically proven benefits of Meditation:- 1. Relaxation: One of the most general reason that people meditate is to get relaxed.  Studies have shown that meditation decreases the anxiety, depressiom and stress level. so that it is obvious that which the decreament of this factor invites relaxation in person mind. 2. Control Of Emotion:-  According to the study published on journal frontier in human neuro science shared on pinterest study. It  suggest that mindfulness meditation is highly benefial to control emotion of a person. It could help person to control negatibe emotion in them. 3. Decreased Blood Pressure: A research leads by a group of researchers of clemson university conducted a meta analysis  of the literature published over 35 years to find out the relation between meditation and blood pressure. Finally they were able to report that meditation lowers both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. 4. Drop in cholesterol level - Many people have cla...

Meditation Music For Sleep

How to practice sleep meditation ? Sleep meditation generally helps you to sleep quickly. Basically people who are more depressed or who are disturbed or who are suffering from anxiety and stress follow this meditation. Research have also shown that if this meditation is performed once a day then it would lead to proper sleep. Here are some steps to practice sleep meditation:- 1. Firstly before starting meditation find a comfortable place it may bed or either sofa and be prepared for sleep then turn of the light. Then relax yourself and get into sleep. 2. Then simply settle down and take deep breath with continuation of inhalation and exhalation. 3. You can also apply scan method this method normally scans body then slowly inhale and exhale but scan reaction  of every part of your body at that time and feel the stress that is releasing from your body.    4. You can also try out mindfulness meditation while sleeping, you can take deep breath and release it slowly.  Wh...

Vipassana meditation benefit and technique

What is vipassana meditation ? According to buddhist vipassana is special-sight which can simply defined as insight. It is one of the best technique of meditation which helps us to think about self transformation and self observation. How to practice vipassana meditation? 1. Firstly find a peaceful place to do meditation as you should not stay in place where there is disturbance because it might distract you from your concentration. 2. Sit in comfortable position, you don't have to sit in lotus position or crossed leg position simply you have to place yourself in either half lotus position or any other comfortable state. 3. Then start breathing in and out and give focus on your breath. If you are beginner you might face problem in having concentration but if you are pro then you would not face the problem. 4. Then do it for 5 to 10 minutes at the time of starting but you could extend time as you would be more pro. What are the benefits of vipassana meditation ? 1. Focus :-As we all...


Meditation is practice where an individual use technique like transcendental, mindfulness,zazen to achieve mental stability. Meditation is not only performed to attain high level of knowledge, it has it's own benefit or advantage.   Benefit Of Med Here are some advantages that we get from meditation:- 1. Reduces stress:- One of the most common reason people do meditation is to reduce stress. According to the study mental and physical stress causes to increase in cortison level which is stress hormone. It increases risk to have high blood pressure, disrupt sleep, anxiety and many more problem. But in one of the study it was shown that mindfulness meditation helps to reduce such inflation of stress in body. 2. Reduces anxiety:- Automatically when our stress decreases our anxiety level also decreases. According to the study doing meditation regularly for short period of tome helps us to reduce anxiety level by decreasing panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias and many more. 3. Emotio...

Zen meditation

What is zen meditation? Zen is basically buddhist tradition who used to perform zazen as meditative disciple. Zazen has vast definition but i use to describe it as a way to have look at the nature of existence. How to do zen meditation? Basically there are some step to perform zen meditation. Zen meditation is somehow similar to mindfulness as both regard to focus on presence of mind. However zen meditation particularly involves awareness. Now let's dive into it :- 1. Do one thing at a time:- This is a basic rule to apply zen in daily life . The main philosophy of zen monk is also to do  single task at a time not a multitasking. It you are particularly singing song then give full focus to singing, while you are eating then give full focus on eating. This is the main fundamental of zen meditation. 2. Separate time for zazen meditation:- You could simply sit for a particular time at  a peaceful place. Take you own comfortable position and dive into the world of your mind. 3....

MEDITATION MUSIC - Meditation For Meditators

Meditation is a technique or process to make our mind free from any bond which leads to purification of mind and heart. In general meaning meditation is process to make our mid free of stress and anxiety. There are different types of meditation and each of them has great importance and also there are different ways to do meditation for eg mindfulness ,  etc and many more. But today we are going to talk about the practice of meditation with music. Basically people tend to remain in peace while doing meditation or he repeat certain mantra but these sort of activity are not possible then people get headphone and get started with certain music which allows them to focus on their meditation.    Here i have presented top 10 list of website where you can get free meditation musics:- Top 10 list of meditation music:- is a great platform where we can find free design resource and software. Here you could also find free music to meditation. Generally it cont...

Transcendental Meditation Benefit And Technique

Transcendental meditation technique or TM. I'd defined as the silent meditation mates developed by maharishi yogi. It is widely used among the meditators and one of the most famous meditation technique. Technique of meditation-  1. Get started with sitting up in a peaceful place. 2. Sit comfortably, if possible you can sit in lotus position but if you are beginners and it is not possible for you then you can sit in half lotus position. 3. Feel free and take a deep breath. 4. Open your mind and then close your eyes and let the though come into the mind. 5. Take deep breath and close your eyes and get started with repeating mantras. Most famous matra among us is "OM" but you could choose other according to your choice. 6. When your consciousness get in work and feel that the thought are disturbing you jump into the mantra and start to chant it out either in loud or in small voice. 7. You could do it for more than 15 to 20 minutes but if you are beginners then you can start...


Mindfulness meditation and it's importance:- What is mindfulness meditation? Basically mindfulness meditation refers to process of observing the present moment without judging anything else which is developed by meditation and training but mindfulness meditation include wide range so that it would be hard from any professional to discuss deeply about it. How to practice mindfulness meditation? 1. Get a peaceful place for you and get started. 2. Set a time limit if you are beginner the you can start from 2 to 5 minutes but if you are pro then you can stay up to 1hours. 3. Set up your body in comfortable position if you feel uncomfortable to sit up crossing leg then you could simply stay in half lotus position. 4.Feel the sensation in the body that occur at the time of inhalation and exhalation. 5.Observe your mind being an mediator you could observe where your mind is going, what your mind is thinking etc. But you should be sure that you are observing without reacting. 6. Use can u...


 EASY WAY TO MEDITATE: Meditation comes under the relaxation and concentration of mind and process to calm our mind. Meditation helps us to know who we are, what we think and what to think about ourself and could explore ourselves deeply than ever before. I am going to provide some easy way to start up meditation.  1. Collection of enough knowledge: Collection of knowledge is an primary method of starting meditation. As we know that half knowledge is dangerous so be sure to collect enough information. Collect enough data regarding meditation and it's importance, it's types like transcendental,  mindfulness etc. And choose the one which best suites you and get started. 2. Get started with selection of proper place:  Place matters a lot so that choosing a place come to first priority.  Before starting to meditate be sure to choose a peaceful place so that you would not be disturbed from possible noises and be sure that there would be no one to disturbed you out du...


Meditation Tips : Meditation generally refer to process of purification of mind and heart. Today i am going to present  top meditation tips for pro.Meditation  may be used with the aim of reducing stress,anxiety, depression and pain. Definition of meditation is provided by individual aspect because it covers wide range of aspects and finding actual definition of it may be hard.  Here are some tips: 1. Sit for 10-20 minutes daily:Generally we start meditation from 2 minutes but gradually we began to increase our time. As we feel more comfortable with it you can sit for more than 10 minutes from half an hour up to 1 hour if you like. As expert say that first step leads to the way of success. So be sure to remember that in mind.  2. Start up in morning or either night: As we know day time is highly polluted with noise i would be good for meditators to have more focus on their meditation during  morning and night time. Moreover i would like to suggest you to do medi...


24 Hour fitness guide: Fitness refers to the physical, mental well being of an individual. During the past few decades, people are being more conscious about their health and fitness. Today want to give you more information about 24-hour fitness guideline for COVID 19. At the present time, coronavirus has taken the severe form that many countries are facing economic and health crises. So here are some tips that you can apply at this present time. 1. Get started with jogging:- Jogging not only means getting headphones 🎧 in-the-ear and go out for a run. Moreover, you can start doing it in your home itself you could have jogging in certain areas to prevent exposure in the external environment. You can roam around your garden or either in your rooms. 2. Wearing a mask while going out:- This may be the major concern of the people at this present time. And I would also suggest it as wearing a mask may help us to remain healthy as it prevents the coronavirus from entering our mouth as well a...

FITNESS TIPS FOR BEGINNERS 2020 - Meditation For Meditators

2020 Fitness tips: In general fitness refers to the physical well being of an individual. But fitness also refers to the mental well being of an individual. Here I have presented you some of the tips for fitness. 1. Exercise daily:-Exercise is the most important factor in case of fitness. Exercise plays an vital role to keep a person free from disease or from any other external factor. Physical exercise like jogging, stretching should be perform regularly in order to keep body posture and energy. Exercise moreover makes of active whole day. So think before sleeping till 7 and being dull whole day. So exercises 🏃 lure person to be physically fit and fine.  2.Balance diet :- Balance diet refers to the  proper amount of calories that is supplied to the body. As we know the thumb rule of nutrition it become mandatory to follow it's rule and apply it in day life to become fit. Be sure to check out the number of BFP, BMI and BMR which contributes the most to stay make or body fit....


Top health tips: According to WHO(World Health Organization) health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being of an individual.Generally we used to introduce health as the absence of disease.We know that their are seven dimensions of health i.e. physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental and occupational. Which is the main reason for our well being.  Here I have presented top health tips. They are:- 1. Eat a healthy diet :- To be physically fit you must ensure yourself that you are taking in enough healthy diet. Healthy diet includes nutrition which I have discussed briefly in my 24 hour fitness tips . But as simple as we should balance or diet by maintaining balance over our amount of  intake of calories. Calories are the main agent for improvement of our physical health. 2. Be Active :- As physical health is closely connected with the muscular movement. To maintain healthy lifestyle we should try to be active, either by engaging i...


Fitness generally refer to the state of physically fit and healthy. It plays an vital role in maintaining balance of our body. Basically there are right components of fitness i.e. speed, body composition, balance, flexibility, muscular power, cardio respiratory endurance. But today we are going to talk about simple form of fitness. One of the elementary factor to remain healthy and physically fit is Nutrients.  In this article of 24 hour fitness tips we are going to discuss about nutrient, it's importance and process to maintain fitness and it's calculation.  Now let's dive into our article i.e. 24hours fitness tips. Firstly,  What is nutrients? Nutrients refers to the element that provides nourishment essential of growth of our body and element that needs for fitness of our body. Types of Nutrients:- Macro nutrients:-Those nutrients that are required in large amount for our body is known as macro nutrients. Macro nutrients includes carbohydrate, protein, fat etc. Micro n...


Educational web Top 10 best learning portal:- educational web 1. GOOGLE :- Google is one of the biggest webs in the world with around 1 billion monthly active users.   Basically, people use google as search engines. But the most interesting thing is that Google has all  sort of services like a job. If u don't know about that you could go to the page which is known as career As well as google provides online learning portal which is known as google digital garage.  You could also find more than 128 courses with 2 certification courses. It also provides career development courses. 2. Udemy:- Udemy is also one of the largest portals for online courses. You could find a course related to your field. Some courses are available there are paid whereas some are free but you can attain online course free by joining from There you can find diploma courses in meditation, dietary etc. which is provided by instructor Akash Sherawat. I  am also ce...