Top Meditation Benefit (scientifically proved )

Scientifically proven benefits of Meditation:-

1. Relaxation: One of the most general reason that people meditate is to get relaxed.  Studies have shown that meditation decreases the anxiety, depressiom and stress level. so that it is obvious that which the decreament of this factor invites relaxation in person mind.

2. Control Of Emotion:-  According to the study published on journal frontier in human neuro science shared on pinterest study. It  suggest that mindfulness meditation is highly benefial to control emotion of a person. It could help person to control negatibe emotion in them.

3. Decreased Blood Pressure: A research leads by a group of researchers of clemson university conducted a meta analysis  of the literature published over 35 years to find out the relation between meditation and blood pressure. Finally they were able to report that meditation lowers both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure.

proven benefit of meditation

4. Drop in cholesterol level - Many people have claimed that transcendental meditation helps to lower cholesterol level. According to Dr kalpan evidences published archives in internal medicine in 2006. tm technique  reduces component of metabolic syndrome a major cause of premature death and cause of high blood press and cholesterol level.

5.. Improves sleep:- Many of the people at this present time is suffering from sleep disorder.According to the report of CDC( Center for disease prevention control) over 85 millions of american have problem with their sleeping. According to Dr Michael J Breus (nickname the sleep doctor) a psychologist, mindfulness meditation is one of the techniques which reduces sleep disorder which is also known as insomnia.  And helps us to have sound sleep as well as reduces daytime fatigueness.

6.Curing addiction:- As meditation helps us out to get positive thoughts  and positive deeds. It may help a person to reduce addiction with alcohol or with drugs.

7.Improves Digestion :-One of the major aspect to improve digestion is stress reduction and chew mindfully. Which is closely connected  with the meditational approaches like mindfulness and tm.

8. Slowing Down aging :- As Dr kalpan have said that study of 2006 which was published archives in internal medicine shows that. Tm helps to reduce the component of metabolic syndrome which may cause premature death. So that it is more important to do Tm in order to decrease metabolic syndrome and to slow down aging.

9. Reduction Of anxiety: A team of researchers at georgetown university started researche based on meditation where they found that the people who were engaged in medtation felt less anxiety level.

10. Reduces stress:- a team of the researchers at john hopkins university conducted analysis of total 3515 participants to determine the relation between stress and meditation and it was found that meditation was able to lessen anxiety, depression, pain and many more thing. At last they were able to link stress reduction with meditation.

11. Enhances self awareness :- As minfulness is based of practice of awareness and observation it helps us to improve self awareness and develop positive mindset.

12. Lengthen attention span:- As mindfulness meditation  helps us to concentrate on something maybe an object or anything helps us to develop a solidity and helps us to focus at a word at a time i.e. single tasking

13. Generation of kindness ;- As we have already discussed that meditation implants positive thoughts  in our mind and hence lead to positive deed it is sure that we staty to generate kindness in our heart and change to way of seeing towards the world.

14. Helps control pain: A team of researchers in wake forest university found out that the participants who were involved in mindfulness meditation  experience nearly 40 percentage of pain reduction.

Thank you guys for reading this article. Hope you guys would find this article informative.



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