Mindfulness meditation and it's importance:-
What is mindfulness meditation?
Basically mindfulness meditation refers to process of observing the present moment without judging anything else which is developed by meditation and training but mindfulness meditation include wide range so that it would be hard from any professional to discuss deeply about it.
How to practice mindfulness meditation?
1. Get a peaceful place for you and get started.
2. Set a time limit if you are beginner the you can start from 2 to 5 minutes but if you are pro then you can stay up to 1hours.
3. Set up your body in comfortable position if you feel uncomfortable to sit up crossing leg then you could simply stay in half lotus position.
4.Feel the sensation in the body that occur at the time of inhalation and exhalation.
5.Observe your mind being an mediator you could observe where your mind is going, what your mind is thinking etc. But you should be sure that you are observing without reacting.
6. Use can use music if you are not able to focus. There are lots of educational music available in youtube.
How often should I perform mindfulness?
If you are available every morning for 5 to 10 minutes you can sit up for mindfulness as it will brain familiar with it but it is not necessary to do it daily if you are not free but it will be more efficient if you could do it daily. According to the studies if you could do for 2 to 4 per day then it will have big benefits.
How long I have to wait to see changes?
At the beginning you could only notice that you are just simply going and sitting out for few minutes for waste of time but after few days you would develop your concentration power you would give more focus to your daily activity.
For if you are talking with friends and giving more concentration and communicating with them you would improve your relation. And most important is that you have to notice small changes that have been caused due to meditation in your life. If you are taking less stress then you are developing yourself day by day.
What are the advantages of mindfulness meditation?
Mindfulness meditation improves physical and mental health as well as well being.
Mindfulness meditation helps to improve capacity of mind as well as people who are connected seems to be less caught up by stress and other mental problems. It also helps to reduce:-
1. To treat heart diseases
2. Lower blood pressure
3. Reduces chronic pain
4. Improves sleep
5. Alleivate gastrointestinal difficulties and many more.
Thank you guys for spending your precious time in this article. I hope that you have collected enough information about mindfulness meditation from this article as well as i hope that some pros will give me suggestion to improve article. Hoping that you would apply this method of meditation to improve your health and to be fit.
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