Meditation comes under the relaxation and concentration of mind and process to calm our mind. Meditation helps us to know who we are, what we think and what to think about ourself and could explore ourselves deeply than ever before. I am going to provide some easy way to start up meditation.

1. Collection of enough knowledge: Collection of knowledge is an primary method of starting meditation. As we know that half knowledge is dangerous so be sure to collect enough information. Collect enough data regarding meditation and it's importance, it's types like transcendental, mindfulness etc. And choose the one which best suites you and get started.
2. Get started with selection of proper place: Place matters a lot so that choosing a place come to first priority. Before starting to meditate be sure to choose a peaceful place so that you would not be disturbed from possible noises and be sure that there would be no one to disturbed you out during meditation hours.
3. Breath naturally: Meditation does not means to breath in unnatural way moreover it should flow in the natural way. We should not try inhale or exhale haphazardly instead you can count in numbers to maintain the motion of breath. In that case you could use counting method. Step first inhale and then count 1,2,3 then exhale and count 4,5,6 and continue this process to some extent.
4. Let the thought come in mind: Most of the people try to prevent their thought so that those though attack them and their mind. But as we know we should let it go in natural manner. Most of the people try to avoid that thought but due to that our subconscious mind triggers out. Moreover we should try to observe it.
5. Take comfortable posture: Basically, we have different types of posture available to meditate but if you are starting up then you could simply sit with support of chair 🪑 on your back or either you could take support of cuson to fit your back at comfortable state and could keep feet in comfortable manner, cross leg is not essential to have focus, you have to clear your mind out from such blind belief that you should take the particular posture.
Thank u so much guys for reading this post. I hope 🙏 this post is informative for you and would help you to start up your meditation amd also mote that it is most simple way to start up your meditation.
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