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Types of Meditation

Top 6 ways to do meditation  MEDITATIONAL TIPS:   Meditation  generally refers to the stable condition of mind.There are different types of meditation in practice. Meditation is generally performed by people in order to maintain mental peace and psychological development. The modern world is full anxiety and stress, in order to get relief from such pain and stress people usually perform it. Top 10 ways to improve meditation for beginners are as follows:- 1. Mindfulness meditation:-Start to meditate early in the morning. According to the Ayurveda morning time is the best time to meditate as it is also called the creator’s hours. The creator’s hours is known as Brahma muhurta.  Brahma muhurta generally refers to the period of 1 hour 36 minutes after sunrise. At this time nature is at its purest form. So that I suggest you perform your meditation or yoga at this time.  In the modern age, there may be lots of disturbance so that we should have meditation in the...

Meditation tips for beginners

MEDITATIONAL TIPS:   Meditation  generally refers to the stable condition of mind.There are different types of meditation in practice. Meditation is generally performed by people in order to maintain mental peace and psychological development. The modern world is full anxiety and stress, in order to get relief from such pain and stress people usually perform it. Top 10 ways to improve meditation for beginners are as follows:- 1. Start to meditate early in the morning:- According to the Ayurveda morning time is the best time to meditate as it is also called the creator’s hours. The creator’s hours is known as Brahma muhurta.  Brahma muhurta generally refers to the period of 1 hour 36 minutes after sunrise. At this time nature is at its purest form. So that I suggest you perform your meditation or yoga at this time.  In the modern age, there may be lots of disturbance so that we should have meditation in the morning because the mind is inherently still at that t...

Power of Meditation

Meditation allow us to make a powerful connection betweeen our mind and us. Meditation let us to be awake and more aware to our actions. It realizes us that who we are and why we are here and our relation with the present world. Today we are going to discuss about the power of meditation:-  According to the research mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of mind. It helps to increases to size of cortical thickness in the hippocampus which  giverns learining and other power. How could i feel power of meditation ? If you could do meditation daily then you could feel the power of meditation gradually. In you are beginner you could start up from 5 minutes to 10 minutes but if you are pro then you could extend time to one hour. How many forms are there in meditation? Basically meditation are of  6 forms. They are:- 1. Mindfulness meditation - Mindfulness meditation helps a person to perform their work by enforcing full concentration in it. 2. Spiritual medita...

How to start up meditation ?Qna

Meditation plays an vital role in our mental as well as physical health. Meditation is a inner power which  helps to know who we are  and what is our main role in this world. Not only this meditation helps us to reduce stress level,  anxiety, blood pressure. I would like to suggest  perfect time and way to start up meditation for you. I would like to recommed you to start up meditation from tommorrow.  You may ask question  1.Why should i start up from tomorrow? Then listen carefully the best way to start up is without making a plan and also if you start up early then you would reach to your achievement  level.  2.Why should i choose a better place ?  As everybody know that  meditation is performed in peaceful place. In order to keep our mind away  from the possible distraction. You could choose a peaceful place to have more concentration on your deeds. 3.Is it necessary to stay cross legged ? Absolutely not it is not mandatory to s...

Top Meditation Benefit (scientifically proved )

Scientifically proven benefits of Meditation:- 1. Relaxation: One of the most general reason that people meditate is to get relaxed.  Studies have shown that meditation decreases the anxiety, depressiom and stress level. so that it is obvious that which the decreament of this factor invites relaxation in person mind. 2. Control Of Emotion:-  According to the study published on journal frontier in human neuro science shared on pinterest study. It  suggest that mindfulness meditation is highly benefial to control emotion of a person. It could help person to control negatibe emotion in them. 3. Decreased Blood Pressure: A research leads by a group of researchers of clemson university conducted a meta analysis  of the literature published over 35 years to find out the relation between meditation and blood pressure. Finally they were able to report that meditation lowers both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. 4. Drop in cholesterol level - Many people have cla...

Meditation Music For Sleep

How to practice sleep meditation ? Sleep meditation generally helps you to sleep quickly. Basically people who are more depressed or who are disturbed or who are suffering from anxiety and stress follow this meditation. Research have also shown that if this meditation is performed once a day then it would lead to proper sleep. Here are some steps to practice sleep meditation:- 1. Firstly before starting meditation find a comfortable place it may bed or either sofa and be prepared for sleep then turn of the light. Then relax yourself and get into sleep. 2. Then simply settle down and take deep breath with continuation of inhalation and exhalation. 3. You can also apply scan method this method normally scans body then slowly inhale and exhale but scan reaction  of every part of your body at that time and feel the stress that is releasing from your body.    4. You can also try out mindfulness meditation while sleeping, you can take deep breath and release it slowly.  Wh...

Vipassana meditation benefit and technique

What is vipassana meditation ? According to buddhist vipassana is special-sight which can simply defined as insight. It is one of the best technique of meditation which helps us to think about self transformation and self observation. How to practice vipassana meditation? 1. Firstly find a peaceful place to do meditation as you should not stay in place where there is disturbance because it might distract you from your concentration. 2. Sit in comfortable position, you don't have to sit in lotus position or crossed leg position simply you have to place yourself in either half lotus position or any other comfortable state. 3. Then start breathing in and out and give focus on your breath. If you are beginner you might face problem in having concentration but if you are pro then you would not face the problem. 4. Then do it for 5 to 10 minutes at the time of starting but you could extend time as you would be more pro. What are the benefits of vipassana meditation ? 1. Focus :-As we all...